Womack + Hampton Architects

Womack + Hampton Architects


4311 Oak Lawn Ave, Suite 50, Lock Box 5


TX 75219


Phone: (214) 252-9000

The Architectural Firm of Womack + Hampton provides quality professional architectural services that offer the complementary skills and experience of Charles Womack and Michael Hampton. Charles Womack first established his own firm, Charles R. Womack & Associates, in 1976, and quickly built a reputation as one of the nation's premier residential and retail design architects. Mr. Womack has received numerous design awards and has been published many times in national architectural publications. He continues to set the pace in new architectural design trends. The professional background of Michael Hampton includes over twenty years of experience dealing with a wide diversity of project types including residential communities, office buildings, hotels, retail developments, commercial and recreational facilities. Over the years, Mr. Hampton has developed a reputation for his strong technical design and construction skills. The complementary talents of Mr. Womack and Mr. Hampton have proven to be a successful combination.

  • See also:
  • Masterformat 1995
  • Texas